Wine color
Wine color is a key indicator that reveals its age, variety, and production methods. It depends on many factors, including biological, cultivation, and processing practices. Young wines tend to have a lighter color, while older wines are characterized by deeper shades. In white wines, the color ranges from light yellow to golden, while red wines with age transition to brownish tones.
Factors affecting wine color
Wine color is influenced by grape variety, ripeness, and processing method. Low color, meaning too light, can indicate under-ripe grapes or poor wine care, which does not meet sensory requirements. Conversely, high color, which is too intense and dark, also does not meet optimal requirements. Old wines usually have higher color intensity, while brownish color in young wines may indicate a disease such as wine browning.
Importance of wine color
Wine color is an important measure for assessing varietal characteristics, production methods, age, and wine health. It is best evaluated in diffused daylight, which allows for better perception of subtle differences and nuances in shades.